
Sorry Aaron, we didn't foresee you receiving 143 Spanish voice messages in the last 24 hours. We're glad you're being a great sport about it!

I have to admit, I didn't realize he was talking about messages in our app at first. I think his comment is so funny, "I can't keep up but I'll surely learn some damn Spanish." This made our day in the office. Actually, Aaron, your comment epitomizes our company commandment of, "Engagement 1st, Learning 2nd". Hoooohahahahhaha (evil laugh). Our masterplan is working quite nicely. It's only the first week, however, so by no means are we getting ahead of ourselves. We have a hard road ahead to maintain users' long-term engagement and lots to improve upon!

Speaking of improvements, we didn't account for these red notification bubbles (shown above) to have triple digits. #humblebrag

In full transparency, these two users are probably getting "blown up" because their first names are at the top of the "matches" list of the app which is in alphabetical order. We're addressing this issue with many others in our next app update that we're submitting to Apple tomorrow. Stay tuned and Happy PlaySaying!


Download PlaySay to start speaking Spanish like a pro
