TechCrunch compared PlaySay to the wildly successful Draw Something. We were quite flattered, thank you TechCrunch. How'd you know that's where we were going?!

With nearly 5,000 users since our launch last week, one of the most common requests was to reduce the amount of needed clicks in the app's core experience. We of course listened. PlaySay 1.2 is available in the app store as of today, featuring:

☞ Entire game board redesign to drastically reduce clicks to get into a current game 

☞ 'Nudge' functionality to get those lazy partners of yours to reply 

☞ Removal of 'Survival' missions (for now) 

☞ Entire system improvement to make everything in the app load faster 

☞ 'Matches' algorithm improved to show the best options for you as opposed to merely an alphabetical list (to prevent this from happening)

★ What's Next? ★ 

Although PlaySay has received 45 perfect five-star ratings, it can get so much better. Below are the updates we're working on for PlaySay's next version. Please let us know which you feel are most important to you (or suggest others) so that we may know which features to work on first. 

  1. Ability to post your entire conversations (mp3) on Facebook to show off your Spanish skills
  2. Spanish localization
  3. Significant speed and stability improvements
  4. Push notification improvement to upon open, go directly to the respective conversation
  5. Recording flow revamped to be simpler and faster
  6. Gradual immersion into Spanish in recording flow and dialogues
  7. Game achievements more pronounced

We take every review very seriously and do our very best to update the app accordingly. Please don't be shy! We'd love to hear your feedback, questions, etc. Just email us at
